

Why Startups Don’t Patent

What can intellectual property (IP) protection do for startups? Are patents worth it? Is there a need to patent when the technology can be kept

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The Role Startups Play in the Philippine Innovation Ecosystem

Despite increasing global economic uncertainty, the Philippines strives to develop globally competitive and innovative industries with the implementation of the Philippine technology transfer law. Its promulgation has allowed for innovation borne from publicly funded research to be used by industry in bringing new products and services to the market.

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Capturing CO2 for a Cleaner Future

Sustainable development teaches the use of environmentally preferable products (EPPs). EPPs include products or services that reduce or lessen the impact on human health and the environment when compared to counterpart products or services that serve the same purpose. Many industries now support the development of EPPs as this helps relieve pressure on environmental resources and maximizes potential benefits from substitute products.

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